Learn To Knit And Crochet With King And Eye

Whether you’re planning to learn how to knit and crochet, or just pick up some new skills, you’ll be a knitting ninja in no time!

From how to create the first slip knot to start your knitting or crochet journey, through to stitch tutorials and learning about the right yarns & tools to help you create stunning projects you’re in the right place.

No more staring enviously at your friends while they whip up a new scarf every week. These step by step tutorials include YouTube video to help you see exactly how to improve your knitting and crochet knowledge.

mustard super bulky merino yarn

START HERE by reading about knitting vs crochet, why they are the same and why they can be different. Which is faster, which is easier, which is better?

What do you want to learn today?

Head over to the Knitting Knowledge and Crochet College pages for everything you need to help you learn the basics about yarns, tools and general techniques that will make your projects stand out from the crowd.

Click the images below to help you learn more about the craft you’ve chosen today:

Knitting Knowledge

Knitting needles with white yarn

Crochet College

learn to crochet at crochet college